Monday, February 13, 2012

My Grammy Hangover

The Grammys...or Grammy's or however you want to talk about it.  So rather than being orderly and careful I'm going to just freshen up some of the notes I took on it all.

For starters, L.l Cool J opens up with a pray for Whitney Houston.  Okay, semi shocked though because most people say something like a moment of silence.  Can he get away with that?  *look out window, looking for any bomber planes* Alrighty I guess we're good.
Who's performing?  Bruno Mars?  *mental groan*  Wait a minute, that's Bruno Mars????  He looks boyishly cute, but I have no idea what he is singing.  Black and yellow-gold though, very 1950s-60s.

Congrates to Adele for the song 'Someone like you', personally I think Lady Gaga's 'You and I' is more enjoyable (being that it's about falling in love and not breaking up - but whatever).  Now we have...Chris Brown?  Really people, why the Hell is he here?  *growl*  Let's keep drinking and move on toooooo...a commercial.

Oh my God, why are there so many fu**in' commercials??!!  Oh, hey Jack Black, was watching you earlier in 'Shallow Hal'.  Oh and the Foo Fighters.  Okay, just because you were the drummer in Nirvana doesn't make you Jesus.  Kurt Cobain was the Jesus of that band, not you.

Now it's Rihana and Coldplay...interesting coupling.  I wonder if there was a seprate way backstage for Rihana and Chris Brown?  Yahhh Coldplay is playing Paradise *happy place*

Best Rock Perfomance:  Please be Mumford and Sons, please, please, ple-......Foo Fighters?  WTF??? Oh shut up about Nirvana, Kurt was the Nirvana not you!  What's next...the Beach Boys?  Maroon 5 is covering them??  What's the point?, not bad.  Now what band is this, playing "Wouldn't it be nice'?  Shit they are good.
Hey it's the real Beach Boys! :D
Stevie Nicks mentions Whitney Houston comes Paul Macartney.

R&B rappers:  Chris Brown?  The woman beater?  OMG, WTF America, come on!  *opens another bottle*.  Hey it's Taylor Swift...singing "Mean" surprising of her -_- *le poker face*
Patrick Harris with Song of the Year:  Adele vs Mumford and Sons and.....Adele with "Rolling in the deep"  why am I not shocked?  <---sarcasm
Katy Perry...oh, "ET" I love that she copying Gaga?  mm, wait...what?  Holy shit what's going on, what happened?  *gasp* is Gaga taking over the stage?? *I hope beyond hope* No, it's bluehaired Perry, also a copy of Gaga.  Wannabies *continues to drink*

Country artist:  Lady antebellum.  Thank God the reign of Swift is over.  And now Adele with "Rolling in the Deep".  Glen Campbell is losing his memory, that's sad, but damn, he still has it.  *singing* Like a rhinestone cowboy, baby!!!

Now that I'm half drunk-ish all I see is lights and there's singing...something about Chris Brown...God, wtf?
Lady Gaga or Adele is going to win the Album of the year and Adele will get record of the year...I hope because if Adele wins both I will go on a rampage.  Do you hear me?  A RAMPAGE MUTTER FUNKER!

Nicki Minja can do this shit and get away with it but Gaga gets shit for eating a rosary...WTF?

*after three and a half bottles of I-don't-disclose-such-information*

Okay, I've ignored everything else so far...God, why is there so many damn commercials?  Okay, Record of the year goes to, no surprise, Adele.

Back from commercials...seriously drunk and I'm starting to dislike Adele.  LONG LIVE THE MOTHER MONSTER!!!  Something about lifetime award, blah blah blah and .......................................................................................................................................................................WTMFF!!!!!???!?!?!?  SHIT SHIT SHIT *changes channel*
That's it, I said there'd be a rampage so here it is.  AHHHHHHAHAHHHHHHHHHAAHH!!!!!!!!!

*  *  *

That was my drunk Grammy Awards summary.  I like Lady Gaga and Adele both but I am sad that of the six Adele won she had to win the only one Gaga was nominated for.  Does that mean Gaga is bad?  HELL NO!  I love Gaga's album more than Adele's, but that's America for you.  When everyone is good or hot it all comes down to the name.  WTF.

Signed, a very drunk and angry Carnivorous Rabbit.

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